Mumbai Resort

Tips to turn your house into a resort

Working tirelessly is unlikely and when the breaks are short and seldom taken, the resulting burnout from reaching your limit will be even worse. Vacations, having been tested time and again, continue to be an effective way to let off some steam and get the productivity back up and running, in order to hammer out those tasks one after the other when you get back to work. The global pandemic, COVID-19, has clenched its fists at the world’s reins and brought it to a standstill, effectively banishing people to their homes for the foreseeable future.

The virus is contagious and social distancing is our saving grace for stopping it’s spread. Work-from-home has become the new modus operandi and with easier availability in terms of the workforce being available online, the businesses have opted to keep the work-hours flexible and pump out even more output from the same people. The very same worn-out people that were looking forward to that tropical island getaway or that hiking trip in the lush green forests of may.

The swimsuits and tents are back in the closet though and vacations will not be possible anytime soon with an international travel ban and the pandemic not slowing down even with the great efforts put forward by our own country and the rest of the world governments. Don’t sigh yet, you can still make some minor adjustments to make your home a little more cozy and give you that vacation vibe, like a beach resort, but not really. Here are some home decoration tips to make it happen. 

Get some art piece to hang on your walls, keep it large, possibly one that covers the entire wall. Some poor artist’s hard work is always dangling over your head in hotel rooms and lobbies.

There’s almost always decorated and painted tapestry hanging by the walkways and right behind the reception counter in the resorts, right? It might seem like a small change but while you work from home, aside from your work-desk the one part of your house you’ll be looking at the most is the walls and the instant change in mood they induce is unprecedented. 

Colour your workspace to a tropical green or an oceanic blue and if that’s too much work- you can try getting some contrast in the form of furniture colored in those color schemes and gradients. Something to remove the monotony of the simple walls of your house. Have you ever wondered how the resorts have a lot of intricately and strategically placed decor that matches the theme and overall vibe of your vacation? Channel it! 

Open a window! It sounds unimaginably simple but proper ventilation is very important to keep yourself healthy and while you’re at it you can get a feel for some sweet summer breeze. Kick back and relax by the window with a refresher drink in your hand and close your eyes. It might not take you back to your beach resort retreat but it surely will help uplift your mood a little. 

Use mood lighting and stock colored linens like whites and light greys to emulate the feeling of a resort. Mellow lamps and dim lighting make for a very calm and relaxing environment, especially when you’re just out of spending hours staring at a screen. There’s something disarming about white and how it helps curb some anxiety, it can be used in all sorts of creative ways to improve the overall feel of any room it is implemented to. 

Get some flora in, not literal trees maybe but go big- as big as you can allow in the space you have with you to work with. Not just in this case, plants, ferns, flowers, and bushes are a great addition to any environment. They make the air cleaner and have all that resort and hotel-style in a more in-your-face way. This is a good thing honestly, they are great friends! Talk to them all you want and they’re always ready to listen more. 

Change the style your bathroom is set up and get some resort-style spa amenities in. Of course, creating a spa is no easy task and in a bathroom in a regular home is too large an undertaking, but, you can get bath bombs and rainy showerheads, put some fresh towels in that bad boy and finish with some bamboo bath mats to complete the tropical theme along with maybe one or two scented candles and you’re good to go.

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